Friday Web Bits

Friday Web Bits: Tax Break Blues, Business Books, and Business Selling Tips

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Keep your tax break. I took a lot of tax classes in law school. Taxes are complicated. Some businesses are coming to the same conclusion and opting out of taking tax deductions because the compliance costs are just too high, as reported in the Wall Street Journal’s article Firms Pass Up Tax Breaks, Citing Hassles, Complexity.

Summer reading list. Summer’s just about over, but it’s never too late to check out a great reading list for small businesses. has a few suggestions in Must-Read Books to Fuel Your Summer — And Your Startup.

Yoga’s small business lessons. Business is about life, so business lessons are all around us. Here’s a piece that draws business lessons from yoga: 10 Things Yoga Teaches Us About Small Business Ownership. My favorite is “If it’s not working, let it go.”

Time management tips. Does it seem like your to-do list is longer at the end of the day than in the morning? Office life’s full of time sucks, and 9 Routine Tasks You Should Eliminate From Your Workday provides a few tips to help you get stuff done.

Taking the mystery out of selling your business. Most business owners who sell their business are first-time sellers. That can be intimidating, because there are a lot of professional business buyers. The process of selling a business is complex and full of potential traps, but 10 Critical Steps for Selling a Complex Business gives sellers a few tips on what to expect.

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