
The U.S. Supreme Court’s Health Care Law Decision: Tips for Small Businesses and a Glance at the Media Circus

Supreme Court's healthcare decision

Supreme Court's healthcare decision

The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision upholding Obama’s health care law has something for everyone — patients, doctors, insurance companies, politicians, court watchers, and news addicts, among others. The decision was historic on many levels and the reporting of it was historic as well. There is much talk about the law’s fate, but most agree it is mostly here to stay in some form for some time, no matter who gets elected to the White House and Congress in November. For a quick guide to some key provisions important to small businesses, click here for an article by Rhonda Abrams of USA Today.

You can read the full opinion here. To find out what happened with the mangled news coverage in those first few moments after the decision was announced, click here for an article by Tom Goldstein of the well known Scotusblog.

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